Beautiful for button holes for men or ladies, or simply in old enamel tins dotted around your venue.
(for vintage tins for hire please contact us at
You will need: Assorted seed heads, leaves and anything else you can lay your hands on that will withstand being cut and some gardeners string, if you have it you can use florist twine.
Why not also add in feathers or some vintage lace.
The next bit is so easy, Start with your leaves/foliage that you want at the back of your button hole, then add stem by stem, overlaying at a slight angle each one until your happy with your look.
Then wrap around your string and knot.
Once secure, snip off the ends of your stems to make them nice and neat. Finish by wrapping lace or ribbon around the length of the stems and secure with a pin.
Simple and quick idea that's free!
Top Tip: depending on what you use these should keep well so get your girls round and make these together over some warm spiced punch.
Emma x